Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Artikel Prosiding - Exploring the Consequences of Brand Authenticity

Brand Authenticity is essential for luxury brands. This study aims to explore the consequences of Brand Authenticity in luxury brands. Furthermore, it will analyse the effect of Brand Relationship Quality and Brand Trust toward Purchase Intention for data collection; this study conducts a survey that generates 280 datasets and used SEM to test the hypotheses. The results demonstrate that Brand Authenticity positively effects Brand Relationship Quality, and Brand Trust and brand trust have an impact on purchase intention. Brand Relationship Quality did not influence the purchase intention of luxury brands. It demonstrates how Brand Authenticity impact to a luxury brand through Brand Relationship Quality and Brand Trust. This study also indicated brand authenticity might offer benefits to purchase intention by influencing consumer's trust in the brands. Also, the findings confirm the positive consequences of Brand Trust on consumer behaviour ascribed to the authenticity concept by marketing literature.


Oleh :
Luki Adiati Pratomo