Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Effect Of Nickel Electroplating Process Time Variation Over Aluminum On CrystalPlane Orientation

Metal plating starts to be widely used as a way to prevent metal corrosion. Apart from preventing corrosion, metal coatings were being developed to thicken the metal, increase its hardness, wear resistance and corrosion resistance. The purpose of this research is to make Ni coating over Al substrate in time variation differences (3.5 h, 4.5 h and 5 h) with a constant current of 50 mA cm-2. The characterization of the materials used was from SEM-EDS, XRD and digital cameras. The SEM characterization results showed a crystal shape similar to a pyramid and contained Ni oxide content in the Ni coating, although in the XRD observations did not appear. The increasing of the coating time will increase the crystal size in the direction of the preferred plane orientation [111] which was confirmed by the calculation of the orientation index. The Ni 5 sample has hydrophobic properties with a contact angle of 91 °.


Oleh :
Cahaya Rosyidan