Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

The Consequences of Social Responsibility: A Study of Fast Fashion Brands

This research aims to analyze the positive impact of social responsibility carried out by fast fashion brands on consumers' attitudes, trust, perceived consumer effectiveness, and brand awareness. Using the purposive sampling method, there were 175 respondents participated in the survey. The data was analyzed using a structural equation model. The results revealed that a brand's social responsibility activities influence attitude, trust, perceived consumer effectiveness, and brand awareness. However, the authors did not find any significant effect of perceived consumer effectiveness and brand awareness on purchase intention. This research can help fast fashion marketers design a comprehensive message to convey to the public that they carry out CSR programs. This study contributes to the literature on green marketing by examining the effect of CSR conducted by fast fashion brands on various responses of consumers. The findings can help companies design and communicate appropriate CSR initiatives to enhance consumers’ positive perceptions. Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, attitude, trust, perceived consumer effectiveness, brand awareness.


Oleh :
Ayu Ekasari