Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Pemanfaatan Komposit Natural Bentonite dan Ampas Tebu Sebagai Penjernih Air Limbah Industri Tahu Harapan Maju (HM) di Cimanggis Depok

Tofu industry is an industry dominated by small-scale businesses with limited capital. In terms of location, this business is also very spread throughout Indonesia. One of them is the Harapan Maju (HS) tofu industry in Cimanggis, Depok, West Java. This industry still uses the traditional method by disposing of waste into water bodies. Tofu liquid waste has the characteristics of containing high organic matter and the levels of BOD, COD, are quite high, so that if it is directly discharged into the river it can pollute the environment. The purpose of this study was to apply the adsorption method with bentonite and sugarcane pulp activated carbon to treat the wastewater of the Harapan Maju tofu industry into safe wastewater before being discharged into water bodies. Bentonite has a good ability to absorb organic matter and binds relatively small solids in water. Meanwhile, sugarcane pulp activated carbon functions as a purifier and absorbs heavy metals in the waste. The process carried out is the absorption process or the process of separating solids from the fluid by passing the fluid through a filter medium or septum, where solids will be left in the medium. With this simple technology, it will be very effective when applied to the tofu industrial Liquid Waste treatment, so that the waste that is disposed of will not disturb the ecosystem of water bodies.


Oleh :
Cahaya Rosyidan