Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Penerapan Batik Nitik pada Media Alternatif

Nitik Batik is one of the well-known batik motifs that developed in the Yogyakarta Region, precisely in the Trimulya, Kembangsongo, Blawong - Bantul districts. It has a characteristic nitik pattern from the unique canting shape which ends in 4 (four) splits with a geometric pattern. The nitik motif is thought to be from the pattern of Patola cloth - India. The detailed manufacture of Nitik batik and a long manufacturing process make the price of Nitik batik expensive. Monotonous colors and motifs make it unpopular among young people, for that effort and innovation are needed in its application. One of the efforts to maintain Nitik batik, it is necessary to innovate its application to alternative media with patterns and colors that contain the symbolic meaning of ‘ban batik nitik motif’ and make ‘development of the nitik batik motif’ one of the ‘icons’ of Yogyakarta batik. This research method is a descriptive qualitative approach, the result of which is the application of the development of the Nitik batik motif as an innovation in alternative media. The results of the research are in the form of innovative development of the Nitik batik motif with its application to alternative media, as an effort to preserve it and be recognized as the batik icon of Nitik Yogyakarta for present and future generations. Keywords: nitik batik, colors and motifs, innovation, alternative media


Oleh :
Asih Retno Dewanti