Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Multi Criteria Decision Making to Determine the Location of Via Laundry's Branch

Choosing the optimal business location is crucial for strategic planning and competitive advantage. Having successfully operated for three years, Via Laundry is expanding by opening a new branch. Business owners have determined several alternatives for this new branch’s location, namely Transpark Djuanda Bekasi, Jakarta Garden City, and Harapan Indah. The purpose of this study is to select preferred location for the new branch by using multi-criteria decision making, which is AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution). The criteria—population density, water cleanliness, rental costs, land area, access road convenience, and competitiveness level—were determined and weighted through discussions with business owner and his partner, as experts. Using AHP, the criteria were prioritized and weights assigned: population density (0.370), water cleanliness (0.249), rental costs (0.131), land area (0.103), access roads (0.093), and competitiveness (0.054). TOPSIS was then applied to these weights to evaluate the alternatives, resulting in preference values: Jakarta Garden City (0.3053), Harapan Indah (0.3624), and Transpark Djuanda Bekasi (0.8009). The highest preference value indicated Transpark Djuanda Bekasi as the recommended location for the new Via’s Laundry branch.


Oleh :
Winnie Septiani