Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Intelligent decision support system for risk assessment and dairy price of dairy agroindustry supply chain

Dairy and dairy processing industries are included in the group of food products and high-risk industries. Decision making in relation to risk management in dairy industry supply chain is significant. This study aimed at designing a Intelligent decision support system (DSS) for risk assessment of dairy agroindustry supply chain and the estimation of dairy price in the riskbased farmer level. The risk assessment is analyzed by fuzzy logic approach which is Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) and Fuzzy Assosiative Memories (FAMs). The basic knowledge of this system is obtained through the preparation of rule base of risk assessment and the relation of production cost and risks at the farm based on the expert arguments variables. There are six outputs yielded from RSDA, that is risk assessment in accordance with priority issue, risk assessment for delivery activity, risk source exploration, risk performance, risk management partially and the estimation of production cost and price with risks. The system provides several alternatives which will help decision making in preparing risk management in dairy agroindustry supply chain. Moreover, this system also provides several scenarios of dairy price estimation at the level of farmer who includes risk factor in the farmer. By this system, it is expected that the opportunity of risk and risk impact of dairy agroindustry supply chain can be minimized.


Oleh :
Winnie Septiani