Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Motif Batik Mega Mendung sebagai Kearifan Lokal dalam Inspirasi Rancangan Bahan Fabric pada Desain Kursi Mobil Microcar

Abstract Batik is an Indonesian cultural heritage that has received recognition from Unesco as an Intagible Cultural Heritage (ICH) at the Unesco meeting in Abu Dhabi. Batik is a technique of decorating cloth that contains values, meanings, and cultural symbols because batik is a process and has more value than a patterned piece of cloth. Batik as a cultural heritage that has the value of local wisdom is underutilized as a work of art that is applied to innovation products from a component part of transportation design, especially in the door trim. This research is a qualitative research which is delivered by descriptive analysis. Data collection is done by conducting surveys, direct observation, literature review, and theoretical basis according to experts. The form of analysis carried out is in the form of processing several designs on batik motifs. The results of the analysis of this study indicate that the dimensions, visual aspects, materials, and placement of batik materials on vehicle components are in accordance with the theory of ergonomics, aesthetics, and design. However, in practice the use of batik on the component parts has not been optimal in the placement of the components. Thus, the conclusions of this study provide recommendations for developing a door trim design as a vehicle design component. The door trim is designed using batik material as an aesthetic element by using the concept of local wisdom in the design.


Oleh :
Rully Ario D. Soeriaatmadja