Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Thermal Comfort Analysis by Adjusting the Tipping Window Opening Distance Using PMV

Setting a natural ventilation system through the design of window openings is one of the efforts to optimize indoor air exchange to increase work productivity and anticipate health problems. This research aimed to measure the sensation of thermal comfort by adjusting the distance of the tipping shutters (10 cm, 30 cm, and 60 cm) to the window frame in the Architecture studio room, the seventh floor of Building C Universitas Trisakti located directly next to the busy street. The research used PMV (Predictive Mean Vote) value analysis with multimeter and sound meter as the measuring instrument for collecting data. The results showed that: 1) Three different types of window aperture caused noise level fluctuations, which ranged from 56.1dB-68.1dB (Quite office – Busy Traffic); 2) The range of PMV values was in the Warm-Hot thermal sensation (2.23-3.27), and the measurement time had no significant effect on the range of values; 3) The measurement point adjacent to the window had a fluctuating PMV value, along with the increase and decrease in wind velocity, although the PMV value was still around the Warm-Hot sensation. The room requires other mechanical aids or hybrid air conditioning system to meet the neutral sensation range.


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