Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Physical Modification of Bovine Amniotic Membrane for Dental Application

Collagen sponge are used as biomaterial in the field of tissue engineering to increase the life expectancy. Bovine amniotic membrane (BAM) contains collagen and growth factors that will accelerate wound healing after dental extraction procedure. The physical structure of the BAM in the form of a thin sheet will be difficult when applied to the extraction socket. The aims of this study were to modify the physical structure of BAM in the form of a thin sheet into a sponge after that analyze its characteristics by SEM and FTIR. Fresh BAM was washed and divided into 2 parts. The first part in the form of sheets is immediately freeze dried. The second part was cut into pieces then added PBS in a ratio of 1:1. BAM and PBS are then blended until they form a slurry and are sticky like jelly, then freeze drying. After fabrication BAM and modified BAM, then it characterized by FTIR and SEM. The result of fabrication BAM looks like a thin sheet, while the modified BAM looks like a sponge that has a porous structure by using SEM analysis. FTIR analysis showed the collagen content in the presence of functional groups amide A, Amide B, amide I, amide II, amide III in BAM and modified BAM. In this study, modification of BAM will form a porous physical structure like a sponge without losing its collagen as main component.


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