Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Pengaruh suhu air terhadap setting time dari bahan cetak alginat

Irreversible hydrocolloid impression materials or alginate is commonly used in dental practice. Its setting time range is 1–4.5 minutes. The setting time is affected by several factors such as water temperature mixed with the alginate powder. There are previous studies evaluated the effect of water temperature on the alginate’s setting time, however, the collected data is still minimal. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of water temperature on alginate’s setting time on larger scale. There were total of 423 samples divided into three groups: cold, moderate, and warm temperature of water mixed with alginate; each group consisted of 141 samples. Differences in setting times of the qroups were analyzed with the Kruskal-Wallis test and the Tukey’s HSD. Alginate powder used in this study was the normal-set type. Mixing the alginate powder with water was performed as the factory instruction, and then the mixture was poured into molds and the setting times were measured. The results showed that the setting times of the three groups were significantly different. Group I (cold) had the highest setting time (211 seconds), followed by Group II (room temperature) which was 147 seconds, and Group III (warm) had a setting time of 106 seconds. In conclusion, water temperature has an effect on setting time, that is, the higher the temperature, the faster the setting time, and vice versa. Keywords: alginate; irreversible hydrocolloid; setting time; water temperature


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