Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Assessing Vision Mission Goals and Objectives (VMGOs) of Islamic Finance and Banking Program Study Trisakti University

BSTRACT Article history Received December 29, 2022 Revised February 10, 2023 Accepted February 15, 2023 Every higher educational institution has a vision and mission that reflects its goals, identity, core values, and its purpose of existence. This study aims to assess the clarity, realism, and congruency of the vision mission as well as goals and objectives (VMGOs) of the Diploma Study Program in Islamic Finance and Islamic (IFB) Faculty of Economics and Business, the Trisakti University of Trisakti, understanding, accepted and carried out by all stakeholders. It also evaluates stakeholder engagement in achieving the vision and mission through practical educational activities and practices. The data were quantitatively analyzed utilizing mean and standard deviation. The result shows that Diploma IFB’s VMGOs are visible and realistic among the academic community, including lecturers, academic staff, and students. Their level of understanding and acceptability is immense. They also believe that the activity is in line with these statements. The research recommends that more efforts be made in disseminating VMGOs to internal and external stakeholders. The activities need to be more focused to make them feel that the teaching and non-teaching activities are all geared toward achieving the VMGOs.


Oleh :
Nur'aini Chaniago