Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

The Effect of Green Planning Design on Pedestrian Way at Jln. Kyai Tapa, Grogol Petamburan, West Jakarta

Urban areas have a variety of activities both indoors and outdoors. Green open space is one of the means to support urban community activities. Green open space is one of the essential factors for the urban environment, and pedestrian paths are one of the areas that can become green open spaces for urban areas. In addition to being a means of accessibility for the community, pedestrian paths can also be an identity for urban areas. The purpose of this study is to identify how an appropriate and suitable landscape design will affect users and the surrounding environment and look for factors that can influence the utilization of pedestrian paths to solve problems that arise so that the use of pedestrian paths can run optimally. The problem encountered at the research location is the lack of precise green arrangement on the pedestrian path, causing the influence of the existing green layout design to be not optimal for pedestrian activities


Oleh :
Nur Intan Mangunsong