Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Mapping the Distribution of Coffee Agroforestry in the Upper Ciliwung Watershed, West Java, Indonesia

Land management by combining annual crops with seasonal crops is known as agroforestry. Agroforestry has a positive impact on watershed sustainability as it improves the watershed ecologically, economically, and socially. Coffee agroforestry is an agroforestry that incorporates coffee plants in their system. Coffee agroforestry in the Upper Ciliwung Watershed is spread across several sub-watersheds, but there is conflicting information related to the distribution and extent of agroforestry which results in no precise information on the coffee plants distribution. Therefore, this study aims to map the distribution and extent of coffee agroforestry in the Upper Ciliwung Watershed and identify the composition of the agroforestry system in the Upper Ciliwung Watershed. This study is done through satellite imagery interpretation and ground truth check of coffee agroforestry in the study area. The data are analyzed using descriptive qualitative method to describe obtained information on the coffee agroforestry from field observation. The results show that there are four sub-watersheds that have coffee agroforestry in the Upper Ciliwung Watershed, which are Cibulao, Cisuren, Cikoneng, and Rawa Gede sub-watersheds. Cibulao sub-watershed has a coffee agroforestry area of about 20 hectares, Cisuren has an area of about 32 hectares, Cikoneng has an area of about 5 hectares, and Rawa Gede has an area of about 5 hectares. In total, the coffee agroforestry areas in the Upper Ciliwung Watershed are approximately 62 hectares


Oleh :
Nur Intan Mangunsong