Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Bundel_Quality Assessment of Visual Landscape for Sustainable Tourism in Bogor, Puncak Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia

Visual scenery of an area is very important in the destination of a tourist destination. In Indonesia there are many tourist areas that experience an increase in visual appeal because of the faster construction.The purpose is to identify and to quanti- fy quality of visual landscape in the tourist area of Bogor, Puncak Cianjur. Method was used Visual Resources Assess- ment Procedure (VRAP). Visual quality were the sum of visual elements water, vegetation, land surface, user activity and other con- siderations. The results obtained were Cisarua subdistrict has a high visual quality while Cibodas Botanical Garden has the highest value in tourist destinations. These results can contribute to the sustainable tourism through visual management class such as class II for Retentention areas in Cisarua district and Cipanas district, class III for partial retention areas in Megamendung district and class IV for modify areas in Ciawi and Pacet district.


Oleh :
Nur Intan Mangunsong