Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

bundel_Identification of Rubiah Island as a Nature Tourism Destination in Sabang, Aceh

The Rubiah Island has a beautiful landscape of white sandy beaches, a marine park with coral reefs and a variety of colourful fish. The relatively short achievement of Iboh is also an attraction and potential as a natural tourist destination. With the potential of this natural beauty, Rubiah Island should be a place frequented by tourists. At present, Rubiah Island is not a place frequented yet by domestic and foreign tourists. While the market potential of Singapore and Malaysia is the country with the highest number of tourists coming to Indonesia from the ASEAN region, it is very close to Aceh. The island’s problems include poorly maintained landscape conditions; there are partially damaged historic buildings; the condition of pedestrian paths is not safe and comfortable to pass; various other facilities are not adequate yet as a tourist destination. The purpose of the study is to identify the natural potential and components of nature tourism such as attractions, accessibility and supporting facilities of natural tourism destinations. The research method is descriptive analysis carrying out an inventory of data and travel approaches. Primary data inventory is carried out through direct observation of site conditions. Secondary data obtained through literature review of similar studies in journals, maps and other sources. Identification of Tourism Destinations by conducting a tourism approach to the 5 main elements of tourism: tourist attraction, facilities, infrastructure, transportation and hospitality. Data analysis uses descriptive qualitative to determine the natural potential and constraints on Rubiah Island as a tourist destination. The results of this analysis determines the direction of the development plan. The results of this study show that the natural potential of Rubiah Island is suitable as a natural tourism destination. The attractiveness and improvement of the quality of various supporting facilities needs to be done.


Oleh :
Nur Intan Mangunsong