Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Bundel_Identification of oxygen production and oxygen demands in parks and green paths as an environmental sustainability effort in Selong area, Jakarta, Indonesia

The availability of land for parks and green paths in the city of Jakarta is increasingly limited, so we need green open space that provides maximum value for the city community and surrounding communities.The purpose of this study is to identify how much oxygen is produced by the Parks and Green paths to the oxygen demand of residents and vehicles in the Selong Area. The method used in this study is an evaluative analysis method (calculating oxygen production from vegetation based on the number and type of trees; calculating the oxygen needs of residents and vehicles) and efforts to increase oxygen production. The study was conducted in 12 parks and 18 green paths in Selong area. The calculation results show that a park planted with many trees does not guarantee that more oxygen will be produced if the selection of tree species is not right. Characteristics of trees that are broad-crowned, leafy and pile more produce oxygen. This research is expected to increase government and community awareness of the importance of the existence of green open space for the sustainability of oxygen availability in urban areas and can be a reference for park development.


Oleh :
Nur Intan Mangunsong