Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti


According to the World Health Organization, quality of life is not only related to physical health but also encompasses psychological well-being, social relationships, and the environmental quality surrounding the individual. Self-care, life motivation, and quality of life are all interrelated and influence each other. Good self- care helps maintain the health and energy required to pursue life goals. Strong life motivation encourages a person to practice self-care in order to achieve their goals. Both self-care and life motivation contribute to the overall improvement of quality of life. Self-care and life motivation are very important for heart failure patients to control their condition, maintain bodily functions, and improve overall quality of life. With proper self-care, patients can keep their condition stable and prevent relapses. Life motivation makes patients more enthusiastic and optimistic in facing their conditions, and with high motivation, patients tend to be more active and involved in activities they enjoy, thereby improving their quality of life. The purpose of this research is to assess the relationship between self-care and motivation with quality of life in heart failure patients. This cross-sectional study included 74 respondents with heart failure. The Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire was used as an instrument to assess quality of life, the Self-Care of Heart Failure Index to measure self-care ability, and a motivation questionnaire to assess motivation. The study showed significant relationships between self- care (p = 0.003) and motivation (p = 0.045) with quality of life. Keywords: Heart Failure, Motivation, Self-care, Quality of life


Oleh :
Mustika Anggiani Putri