Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Perbandingan tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa pre- klinik dan klinik RSGM-P univeristas trisakti terhadap bahaya paparan radiasi (Laporan Penelitian)

Radiography is the most frequently used supporting examinations in the medical field, especially in dentistry. The use of radiography is important for establishing a diagnosis and further treatment. This radiographic imaging technique can produces radiation that can cause both ionizing and non-ionizing effects. Ionizing effects are divided into two, stochastic effects and deterministic effects, these effects can cause biological damage. These effects need to be known pre-clinical and clinical students as an act to prevention. Objective: To compare the level of knowledge of pre-clinical and clinical students regarding the dangers of radiation exposure at RSGM-P Universitas Trisakti. Methods: Respondents in this study were 100 pre-clinical and clinical students consisting of 50 pre-clinical students who had taken module 412 (Supporting Examination for Diagnostics) and 50 clinical students at RSGM-P Universitas Trisakti using a questionnaire by distributing via the google link forms. Results: The Mann-Whitney test showed a significant difference in knowledge of the dangers of radiation exposure between pre-clinical students 45.3% and the clinic students 54.7%. Conclusion: There is a difference in the level of knowledge between pre-clinical and clinical students at RSGM-P Universitas Trisakti regarding the dangers of radiation exposure.


Oleh :
Muhammad Novo Perwira Lubis