Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Implementing Project Based Learning Approach to Graphic Design Course

The purpose of this study was to develop a learning model based Commercial Graphic Design Drafting project-based learning approach, was chosen as a strategy in the learning product development research. University students as the target audience of this model are the students of the fifth semester Visual Communications Design Studies Program Faculty of Art and Design University of Trisakti. Dick, Carey, and Carey models of Research and Development (R and D) are applied to develop this model. The model consists of the systematic phase used to develop learning products Drafting Commercial Graphics. Results of learning products reviewed by expert instructional design, instructional material expert, and instructional media specialist. A series of formative evaluation session--a review and revision process--undertaken in developing this learning products. The results showed that the learning model Drafting Commercial Graphics implemented a project-based approach has been improving learning outcomes better than the target--the students of the fifth semester Visual Communications Design Studies Program Faculty of Art and Design University of Trisakti. The results of the research and development of this model in the category of Good.


Oleh :
Menul Teguh Riyanti