Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Climate change effect on water balance for water critically in upper Bogowonto Watershed, Indonesia

The impact of climate change has hit Indonesia, especially in Central Java Province. Based on rainfall data between 1981-2017, there has been a trend of changes in intensity and a shift in rainfall patterns with an increase in temperature of 1.04 C/year. The focus of this study is in Bogowonto Watershed is located in Purworejo Regency, where the development of land cover has been increased and affected water demand in the area around the study location. The purpose of this study was to determine the conditions of rainfall due to climate change based on land cover conditions. The analytical method in this study is related to water availability with FJ. Mock and climate change with GCM with RCP scenario. The results obtained are:(1) The condition of annual rainfall in Bogowonto Watershed is still in the moderate category, with an annual rainfall of 2064.3 mm.


Oleh :
Endah Kurniyaningrum