Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Batik Packaging Design for Creative Industry and Sustainability

Creative industries were intensified in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. The contribution of the creative industries can sustain the economic community. Indonesia has many creative products, one of which is the batik industry. Many Indonesian batik industries are MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) which do not yet have adequate packaging, even improvised. Direct packaging also promotes and image of the batik industry. Batik product packaging also has not considered the sustainability of environmentally friendly products. This paper uses a research and development method, in the form of packaging creation for batik packaging for MSME products. Batik product packaging is also demanded to be environmentally responsible. The findings of this paper are: good packaging, environmentally friendly, is a form of responsibility and is able to provide added value to the Indonesian batik industry. The packaging must be well designed, aesthetically, informative, but also sustainable.


Oleh :
Bambang Tri Wardoyo