Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Penatalaksanaan Kasus Perforasi Pada Servikal Gigi Molar Pertama Mandibula – Laporan Kasus

Background: The use of retention pin on making an indirect crown restoration often can cause perforation of the tooth because of the weakness of the remaining tooth structure. Perforation may cause inflammation in the tooth, around the periodontium tissue close to the perforation area. This will cause an uncomfortable sensation. This complaint will continue if the perforation area did not receive proper care. Objectives: There are several methods and techniques used to manage the perforations in the tooth. This case report will explain the management of cervical perforation of the mandibular first molar using Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA). Case and management: A 28- years-old male patient complained about his lower left tooth which has an indirect restoration and wanted it to be re-restored. The tooth felt uncomfortable when chewing food. Radiographic examination showed there were two pins that penetrated furcation area of the tooth 36, and there was radiolucency lesion in the furcation and mesial root. The treatment performed were pins removal, perforation closure, and followed by a root canal treatment. Conclusion: The success of management in the case of cervical perforation have an excellent prognosis when using the MTA.


Oleh :
Ade Prijanti Dwisaptarini