Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Efektivitas Teknik Air Abrasion pada Preparasi Gigi terhadap Kekuatan Ikatan Resin Komposit

in the practice of dentistry. One of the technique employed by this concept is air abrasion. to discover the effectivenessAim: of air abrasion technique on the dental caries prepation towards the bond strength of composite resin with the method of scoping review. This research utilize the PRISMA diagram, based on PubMed, PMC and Elsevier database withMethod: the keywords of: ((("air abrasion" OR "air abraded") AND (composite OR "composite resin")) AND "bond strength"). Based on the criteria, 14 articles were found and divided into 5 categories Conclusion: the mean and SD of airResult: abrasion technique with self-etch bonding type against microtensile bond strength test is 20.1 ± 5.3 - 71.7 ± 8.3 MPa; with the total-etch bonding type is 25.2 ± 7.2 - 55.08 ± 3.74 MPa, with total-etch bonding type against tensile bond strength test is 15.83 ± 1.51 - 20.80 ± 3.95 MPa; with self-etch bonding type against shear bond strength test is 6.7 - 25.32 ± 4.91 MPa; and with total etch is 13.88 ± 5.50 - 30.25 ± 7.00 MPa.


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