Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Korelasi Uji Nondestruktif UPV terhadap Kekuatan Mekanis Beton Beragregat Plastik Polypropylene

Concrete is the most popular conventional building material. Destructive testing is a classic way to determine the quality of concrete. Non-destructive testing (NDT) methods are starting to be developed because they are more practical and do not damage concrete. On the other hand, the accumulation of plastic waste has become a global problem. Plastic waste has become a pollutant that causes many new problems, especially in the balance of the environmental ecosystem. This research aims to analyze the mechanical and physical characteristics of concrete that uses plastic aggregate partially using the non-destructive testing method (UPV test). The percentage of PP granules ranges between 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% where the FAS used is 0.45. Each concrete sample will be cast in a cylindrical mold measuring 10x20cm, block mold 10x10x40cm. The results obtained show that an increase in the percentage of 10% PP in the sample causes a decrease in the slump value. The percentage reduction for each 10% increase in plastic granules ranges from 0.8% to 12.2%. Then the use of PP plastic as fine aggregate can reduce the strength of concrete by up to 29%. The higher the UPV value, the compressive strength of the concrete increases. So prediction of compressive strength values ??based on UPV numbers can be done with the equation Y=0.0812x-302.99


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Ade Okvianti Irlan