Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Turnitin - Usability testing and heuristic evaluation for improving usability registration of website hospital

The hospital website is one of the facilities provided by the hospital to make it easier for prospective patients to find information about the hospital. The preliminary research results indicated that the display of the hospital website made users hard to find a doctor's practice schedule. Therefore, this study aimed to measure the usability of the registration of website hospital and provide suggestions for improvements of the website. The analysis and evaluation methods used in this study were usability testing and heuristic evaluation. The results showed that the aspects of usefulness, ease of use and satisfaction were still low. In addition, errors made by users were still high. The results of the heuristic evaluation showed that many aspects had a significant error rate. Suggestions for improvements are to change the website's display, shorten the stages of finding a doctor's practice schedule, and provide a help feature to users. After conducting improvements, the results for the usability testing indicated that users did not make errors at all in looking for a doctor's practice schedule and task-processing time became shorter than before. Meanwhile, the results for heuristic evaluation indicated that the major error from website after conducting improvements turned into a minor error.


Oleh :
Winnie Septiani