Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Turnitin - Usability evaluation and improvement design of hospital mobile website

Siti Aisyah Hospital is one of the public hospitals that has developed online information services through a website. But unfortunately, the website still does not meet several aspects of usability, namely ease of use, ease of learning, and ease of satisfaction. This study aims to improve the mobile website design by considering the usability aspect. The method used is Usability Testing and Heuristic Evaluation. Usability Testing is done by giving 15 respondents several tasks and distributing a USE Questionnaire to assess the current website. The results of the questionnaire show that the three factors still have a value below the middle value, namely 4. Then the Heuristic Evaluation is carried out by giving the questionnaire to 4 experts. The results show that some heuristic variables have a fatal error value called usability catastrophe or the website still has some problems. Then the proposed mobile website is designed according to the existing problems. Then the usability measurement was carried out again on the proposed mobile website using Usability Testing, USE Questionnaire and Heuristic Evaluation. The overall results show that there is a significant increase on the proposed website. The results of the questionnaire show that the four usability factors have a value above 4, while the Heuristic Evaluation questionnaire results show the cosmetic category which means the problem does not affect the user and don't agree which means there is no usability problem.


Oleh :
Winnie Septiani