Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Several Problems on the Implementation of Fiduciary Guarantee Execution on Four Automotive Financing Companies after the Constitutional Court Decision Number 18/PUU-XVII/2019

Proceedings of the First Lekantara Annual Conference on Public Administration, Literature, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education, LePALISSHE 2021, August 3, 2021, Malang, Indonesia This book contains the proceedings of the First Lekantara Annual Conference on Public Administration, Literature, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education (LePALISSHE) was held by Lentera Akademika Nusantara (Lekantara), Indonesia, in collaboration with Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia, on August 3, 2021. The aim of the conference is to promote new insights and discussion about the current global perspectives, considering the differences in academic and subject fields’ approaches across time and countries, with its implications and to improve and share the scientific knowledge on public administration, literature, social sciences, humanities, and education. The theme of the conference is: “Responding to Current Changes and Future Prospects Post Covid19 Pandemic from Various Perspectives”. The Covid19 pandemic has brought social and economic disruption worldwide, but is also providing opportunities in terms of new paths, new perspectives, and new ways of seeing things while addressing the underlying challenges. The conference invites delegates across Indonesia, United Kingdom, Japan, Malaysia, Australia, Canada, USA and beyond, and is attended by more than 300 participants from scholars, academics, researchers, practitioners, students, and policymakers from national and international institutions to provide an opportunity for discussion and to enhance professional networking in various related to the theme of the conference.


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