Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

The Effect of Tolerance Value Variation to Slope Stability Analysis Results Using 3 Dimensional Finite Element Method

In the subject of mine slope stability analysis there are many analysis method available, especially with the rapid enhancement of computational technology. Finite Element Method is one of the most applied method amongst practitioners dan academics in the field of mining engineering. The method involves dividing 3 Dimensional model into small parts called elements. In this method, Shear Strength Reduction is adopted to determine the Factor of Safety, which in the terms of Finite Element Method also known as the Strength Reduction Factor. This research is intended to better understand one of the parameters in the Finite Element Method which is the tolerance value. The test is done by performing Finite Element Method analysis with a set of tolerance value variations. The result then used to generate graphs to determine the effect of tolerance variations to Factor of Safety and Total displacement. The result indicates a trend in the increase of Factor of Safety and total displacement with the increase of tolerance value. From the Factor of Safety and displacement chart it is found that the total displacement of 4.7 meters tends to stabilize when the tolerance value is 1 x 10-5 as it has insignificant difference from total displacement generated with tolerance value of 1 x 10-6 with the SRF of 1.2..


Oleh :
Ririn Yulianti