Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Study of CO Gas Dilution in Forcing Ventilation System at Ramp Down KKRB 4 Utama, Pongkor, West Java

CO is a hazardous gas formed from the reaction of explosives that lack oxygen balance. These explosives have the potential to generate toxic gases, including CO. It is crucial to minimize CO concentration at the work site by ensuring proper air circulation. This study aims to examine the impact of varying ducting distances on CO gas dilution, using the gas diffusion coefficient value as a basis. The research method employed is observational, involving the assessment of CO gas dilution in the tested tunnel at varying distances from the working front to the sensor. The research was conducted on the Ramp Down KKRB 4 Utama. Result of the research is the most ideal carbon monoxide reduction time at RD KKRB 4 Utama is shown at sensor placement distance 1 using the blow system, where A Sensor takes 2.21 hours and B Sensor takes 1.06 hours to reach a concentration level below the TLV (Threshold Limit Value) 50 ppm.


Oleh :
Ririn Yulianti