Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Pedestrian path landscape design concepts on Kyai Tapa Street, Grogol, West Jakarta, through urban landscape design approach

. An urban area offers a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities. The pedestrian area on Kyai Tapa Street, Grogol includes a community-used pedestrian path. It can become an open space in the pedestrian area that serves as a means of enhancing and facilitating activities for the community, particularly pedestrians. The phenomenon on the Kyai Tapa Street, Grogol pedestrian path requires a more explicit concept in the design, so the existing pedestrian path cannot improve the visual quality. It cannot be a comfortable place for pedestrians to pass. Therefore, identifying and evaluating the existing pedestrian path design concepts is necessary. This research study aimed to identify and evaluate the concept of pedestrian paths following the existing conditions using primary and secondary data collection methods through observation, surveys, and literature studies. Factors supporting the comfort of pedestrians are related to the suitability of the path's shape, the dimensionally design concept, and the elements built around the pedestrian path. The pedestrian path on Kyai Tapa Street, Grogol becomes a link between several places around the pedestrian path area. Therefore, it is necessary to make a clear design concept for pedestrian paths so that the pedestrian path area can improve visual quality and become a comfortable facility for pedestrians.


Oleh :
Nur Intan Mangunsong