Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Indonesia-Malaysia Batik Pattern Collaboration Creation with Artificial Intelligence Platform

The problem with making batik in Indonesia and Malaysia so far is that it is still very manual and has not taken much advantage of technological advances. The development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is currently very advanced, continues to innovate, and has even touched various aspects of human life. Limitations in ideas, human resources, knowledge, tools, and internet networks are the dominant conditions that cause problems in Indonesian and Malaysian batik creations. This study aims to use Artificial Intelligence to describe the combination of Indonesian and Malaysian batik patterns. This paper uses a descriptive-qualitative method with an experimental approach in the form of trials for the creation of batik patterns using the Imagine Artificial Intelligence platform; each trial is based on three basic patterns of batik, namely Sawat and Gurdha (Indonesia) and Orchid and Tiger (Malaysia). The results of this paper generated eight totally new Indonesian-Malaysian batik patterns. Artificial Intelligence (AI) was very helpful for the development of batik patterns. Through the creation of new batik patterns with the support of Artificial Intelligence (AI), it certainly creates new opportunities for the creation and business of batik to become more advanced. It is hoped that this paper will succeed in solving the problem of limited ideas in creating Indonesian-Malaysian batik motifs.


Oleh :
Bambang Tri Wardoyo