Tangerang is counted among Indonesia's fastest-growing industries and population since it is located near the capital. By the current population growth rate, the population in 2035 is expected to reach more than 2 million by applying the geometric method. Rapid population growth has severe environmental damage. A simple linear regression calculation was used to predict the Tangerang waste generation, and its expected value is 0.63 million tons by 2035. The correlation established a positive correlation between population and waste generation. The increase in the amount of waste can affect the formation of leachate, a toxic byproduct of waste decomposition, produced by Tangerang's open dumping system at the Rawa Kucing landfill. Increased waste creates more leachate, potentially contaminating groundwater and harming human health. Therefore, this study aims to forecast waste generation in Tangerang based on the population projection. Accurate waste predictions are crucial as inadequate leachate management poses environmental and public health risks through groundwater contamination. The findings presented here can guide stakeholders in formulating strategies to prevent and mitigate the dangers of groundwater contamination in Tangerang. Keywords: Statistical analysis, Environmental perspective, Contamination, Population growth, Waste generation
Oleh :
Bambang Cholis Su'udi