Repository Karya Ilmiah Universitas Trisakti

Pemanfaatan Ekoenzim Dari Limbah Organik Untuk Menurunkan Kadar TSS Pada Pengolahan Air Asam Tambang Skala Laboratorium

The increasing volume of organic waste in garbage dump facilities will emit methane gas, which is one of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming. By producing eco enzymes from fruit peel and vegetable waste, we can minimize organic waste while also creating beneficial products. In this research, eco-enzyme was produced from papaya, dragon fruit, and orange peel waste mixed with water and molasses. The weight ratio between water, organic compounds, and molasses was 10:3:1. The mixture was fermented for 3 months. The DNS method was used to test enzyme activity; the ASTM 2315:2008 method was used to measure bacteria killing power; and the SNI 06- 6989-3-2004 method was used to measure TSS levels in liquid waste.The Eco enzyme product generated from this research has an amylase enzyme activity of 2.15 and a cellulase activity of 1.69. Eco enzyme effectiveness in killing E. coli bacteria reaches 99.95% and P. aeruginosa bacteria at 99.90% with only 20% of eco enzyme concentration within 15 seconds of contact time. The results of liquid waste processing using this eco enzyme show that TSS reduction rate is 65-88% on an initial TSS concentration of 345 ppm.


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